Res.redirect not download file

Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a Koa does not bundle any middleware within its core, and it provides an elegant suite of For example, in your .babelrc file, you should have: headerSent; ctx.redirect(); ctx.attachment(); ctx.set(); ctx.append(); ctx.remove(); ctx.

Do not overwrite it with changes made in later versions of the game, instead upload it as a separate file and add it to the table below.

After seeing some tweets and analyzing the SEOmoz website, I decided to write some tips and tricks that can decrease pages load time as much as possible. Any search engine wants to provide users a great user experience, just like Google…

19 Oct 2017 / res.end() / res.json() / res.redirect()/. res.render(main.ejs) : Render a won't add logic and control flow into html files: All rights reserved | This template is made with by Colorlib